Current Events

Here is a list of the various programs and activities we have going on for Fall 2023 at Evangel!


Sunday School (9:10AM)

  • Adult Sunday School: Genesis
  • Young Adults Sunday School (9th-college age): Pilgrims Progress
  • Youth (6-8th): New Testament Survey, in the God’s Promises series
  • Children: Children’s Choir and the Show Me Jesus series

Gather (10:10AM)

  • Join us for a time of fellowship in the foyer over snacks and coffee!

Worship (10:45AM)

  • Spring Sermon Series: Acts

Evening Activities (6:00PM)

  • Kids’ Quest Catechism (Pre-K-5th)
  • Youth Group (6-12th)
  • Adult Prayer Meeting
  • Griefshare (To register, go to and use the ‘find a group’ tool)
  • Join us at 7PM for dinner!


Flocks Groups

  • Our small groups (called “FLOCKS“) meet every other week in various homes around town. Groups include both men and women. We study Scripture, pray for one another and enjoy food and fellowship together. Last fall, our FLOCKS discussed Pastor Tim’s sermon series on Lamentations. This spring each group is doing their own material. You’re welcome to join any time of the year, just contact Pastor Tim or the office to get information about when and where these groups are meeting!

Women’s Bible Study

  • Our women’s Bible Study meets during the school year on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month, Tuesday evenings, or Wednesday mornings. Last year, they studied 1 Timothy. In the spring of 2024, our ladies are going through Esther. Click here for more info!



9:10 AM


10:45 AM


Have questions? We have the answers!


We are a congregation of Reformed believers which seek to glorify God and make Christ known.


Sunday School begins at 9:10 AM with Morning Worship at 10:45 AM. We are located at 1545 S. 135th St. West, Wichita, KS 67235.


At Evangel, we have a wide variety of people who come from a wide variety of backgrounds, so you will see some people in more casual jeans and shirts and others in suits or dresses. Our pastors take their calling as shepherds of God’s people very seriously, so you will find that they wear a suit as they lead the Worship Service. Whatever you wear, we will be happy to have you with us!


When you arrive you can expect to be greeted with warm smiles and an open door. Services begin promptly and there are ushers willing to help you find what you need and answer any questions you might have.


A typical Sunday morning at Evangel includes nursery for children under three, and Sunday School classes for three-year-olds through adults.  Following Sunday School is the Worship Service in the sanctuary at 10:45 AM.  We have a very intentional order of service, in which we focus on preparing our hearts for reverent worship. We do this through beautiful, Christ-focused music; a responsive reading chosen for that day led by the pastor; and Scripture reading and prayer of confession, verbalizing our recognition of our own sin and great need for a Savior, which we read together as a congregation.  Our Pastors preach directly from the Bible, and take very seriously their responsibility to teach truth, encourage the congregation, and spur us all on to a closer, more effective walk with Jesus.  Some special mornings, there may be new members introduced, new babies baptized, or communion (observed the first Sunday of each month).  You can find more information on ways to plug in or find answers to other questions at our Welcome Center.


The first step is to simply join us for a worship service if you haven’t already! Two other great opportunities for connecting are:

Pizza with the Pastor. Every second Sunday of the month we invite visitors to join the pastoral staff for lunch in the fellowship hall after church. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions you have!

Our church-wide putlock meal every third Sunday in the fellowship hall.

Feel free to have a look around on our website for info about various church ministries. Next to worship, the second most important part of life in the church is our small group ministry (called ‘FLOCKS’).


We offer a nursery for children three and under, but we know that every family has different desires and needs, so if you prefer your children sit quietly with you in Sunday School and/or Worship Service, that is perfectly acceptable.  In the nursery, the children have two teachers who play, read Bible stories, lead the children in songs, and give them a small snack.

In the elementary Sunday school classes, the Show Me Jesus curriculum from Great Commission Publications is taught in the following age groups:  three years through kindergarten, 1-3rd grades, and 4th– 5th grades.  Junior High and High School students each have Sunday School classes where they discuss how doctrine and theology impact our everyday life.

During Worship Service, the nursery is available for children up to age three, or you are welcome to have your young children sit with you in church.  Children aged three through seven years typically sit with their parents through the music, corporate prayer, and scripture reading, then are dismissed to Children’s Church just before the sermon begins.  We also provide a Special Needs Access room where you can see and hear the Worship Service but have some privacy and control over the environment.

In addition to Sunday school classes and children’s church, we have Sunday evening Kids’ Quest for kids aged preschool-5th grade, and Youth Group for 6th-12th grades. Kids’ Quest is a catechism program that incorporates Bible teaching and fun activities with learning catechism questions and answers. The children’s catechism covers important truths like the nature of God, the sin of humans, the Gospel of Jesus, and the Ten Commandments.

Have more questions? Click here, get in touch with someone from the church.