Loving God and Loving Others
Do you ever wonder what you can do for God’s Kingdom? There are many ways that your gifts can bring glory to God in His Kingdom as you love God and others, in your neighborhood, community, and in our congregation.…
Do you ever wonder what you can do for God’s Kingdom? There are many ways that your gifts can bring glory to God in His Kingdom as you love God and others, in your neighborhood, community, and in our congregation.…
Love God; love others. This is a common motto that one hears in the church. It is an appropriate motto, for it clearly summarizes what Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40. When Jesus was asked, “’What is the greatest commandment?’ And…
By Kendi Fiscus We are true neighbors when we have compassion and mercy on those around us, as Christ has compassion and mercy on us. When we dwell in fellowship with our Lord and invite others into that fellowship,…
This month we celebrate the fact that the Son of God came to earth in the person of Jesus. He lived a perfect life, died on the cross for the sins of His people, and was raised from the dead…